Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bitter (Song)

The real truth
No it doesn't exist
All the sharing
Of emotion
The whole world
No one can ever know
How you truly feel

Rivers of love
Between us
Years of pain
Ahead of us
Swimming in pleasure
Drowning in guilt
Smelling death
At every turn

I promise
It won't be fair
I'm there and here
Till the bitter end
For better
Or the very worst
Id rather lose tears
Than lose you

I know
You lack perfection
You forget me
I know you do sometimes
I see you now
But your imperfection
Could make you perfect
For one broken as me

Too late to swallow the pill
Swallow my sun
It still exists
All the emotion in the world
And still
No one can ever know
How another feels

Friday, November 23, 2012

Eye Of The Moon

Ring of fire
All intent focussed
On my insides
Pierce me
Wound me
Make me forget
All the pain
Once more
Watch me and teach me
The truth of your light
I wish to save her
Break the chains
Restraining her words and her action
To be her shadow under the sun
Her sound in darkness
To protect
All to feel
Sing to her
To me
Bring us together
Under your eye
Bind us with
Your clouded ring
So our world manifests
And clears before our eyes
Take away our promises
The true lies
Let us be
Let us see
How dangerous
We truly are
For one another
Believe in us
Tale of ten
The end
The beginning

Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Greatness (Poem)

Held fast
In ungodly wars
And riddled with
The absence of patience
The greatness
Found within when
We are unchained
Takes it all away

The grace
The forbidden face
Lurking in my dreams
As fate
Under a halo
Becomes a new greatness
Gathered by faith

A seasoned mask
Fortifies hidden wills
And power to the masses
Controlled by
A seasoned tongue
Unable to escape
Unable to find it's greatness

Of lost love
Corrosion of pain
And birth of hope
Faith is over gravity
In the greatness of purpose
As the dance of infinity

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The White Canvas

So weightless
Breaking these chains
Where once I once was
So euphoric
Walking within my poetry
Singing every verse
In love with my wounds
Drinking in the moon
My skin alight
Singing lacrimosa
My greatest laments
Loving the music
Though it painted only
The violence in my heart
And the turmoil in my soul
So now I shudder at
The sound of this silence
And the white canvas
With which it came
I was sad but I felt no pain
How sad indeed that I grew afraid Failing to hear the ringing truth
That atlast I'd found peace
And it loved me and embraced me More than pain had done
For eons lost
Drowning in the black
Now the sheltering shade
Of my new home
Keeping the rain away
No showering pain
Black against the grey skies
Nomore damp from my sorrow
Only with peace
Painting on my new canvas
With tides of emotion
To tell my neverending tale
With freedom as my pen
And forests to explore
Trees blooming with laughter Aflame with love
And burning to eternity
Our safest home
Our final destination
And our story

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Photography's Wider View

I love how you can just take a picture of anything and make it look beautiful or functional or just make it art..

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Finally after a whole year i'm going to be posting from mobile! So there will be more poetry, photography, writing and music from this blog! Thanks for the support!